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Reliable knowledge of weight loss

2020-09-21 11:42:00

First of all, we should pay attention to the reasonable diet structure and the balanced mix of meat and vegetables. The weight of animal foods (pigs, cattle, sheep), poultry (chickens, ducks), aquatic products and eggs on the family dining table accounts for about 30% of the whole day, while vegetable foods, bean products, bacteria, algae and fruits account for about 40%, and staple foods (rice noodles, miscellaneous grains and potatoes) account for about 30% when converted into rice and pasta. This ratio can basically meet the requirements of Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents. Among them, lean meat with less fat should be selected for meat. In spring, many fresh vegetables and various wild vegetables rich in vitamins enrich the variety of vegetables. The staple food should be reduced from polished rice and white flour, and 30~40% should be replaced by coarse grains and potatoes, such as corn, millet, miscellaneous beans, sweet potatoes and so on. Try to diversify the variety of ingredients. This kind of diet is a scientific diet with slow digestion and hypoglycemia. Long-term implementation will not make people fat, but also help fat people lose weight slowly without rebounding. Its advantage is that it can not only make people feel full without hunger, but also reduce energy intake, and achieve the purpose of protein complementation and balanced nutrition. Second, keep your mouth shut Eat good food properly, eat less restaurants, eat less greasy meat and overeating. Eat more fresh vegetables in spring and drink more soup to reduce energy intake. Vegetables, coarse cereals and potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals to enhance human physiological functions. A large amount of dietary fiber and soup can increase intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. During cooking, the cooking oil should be strictly controlled, and the cooking oil used by each person should be controlled at 25~30 grams per day. Try to use low-temperature and low-oil processing such as steaming, boiling, stewing and cold salad, and use less high-temperature and high-oil cooking such as frying, explosion, frying and barbecue to reduce the loss of nutrients. Light food can not only reduce the loss of nutrients, but also reduce the intake of oil, and also reduce the temptation of high oil and delicious food. Eat less high-energy snacks such as sugary drinks, cream cakes, refined candies, alcohol and cold drinks. Also pay attention to eating less supper, which is also an important factor causing obesity. If necessary, you can drink a cup of yogurt before going to bed, which has the functions of resisting hunger, helping sleep and supplementing calcium. In fact, the physical reflection of overeating is obvious, such as poor sleep that night, nausea and acid regurgitation, even abdominal distension, abdominal pain, intense intestinal peristalsis, smelly fart, thirst and so on. Early the next morning, my throat was dry and my tongue was bitter, my tongue coating was thick and greasy, and my food was not sweet. If there is no such symptom, it means that you didn't eat enough the day before, and the nutrition is reasonable. Three, insist on exercising every day. In order to balance the intake and consumption of energy, we should do aerobic exercise for about one hour every day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, playing a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing (tai chi chuan), etc., so as to sweat Mao Mao, consume body fat, strengthen muscles, strengthen blood circulation, and improve physiological metabolism and immune function. It is feasible for obese people to lose 2~3 pounds a month with the above diet structure and persistent exercise, and it will not rebound. Keeping the elderly exercising every day will make them energetic, strong, smooth and delay aging. In a word, it is a powerful measure to prevent obesity to control the total dietary energy and keep the balance between eating and moving. This is how the author keeps the body mass index normal for decades. Finally, emphasize that weight control should be reasonable Preventing obesity is the premise of preventing "three highs" and many chronic diseases, but the thinner the better. Low body weight caused by malnutrition will reduce immune function and increase the risk of anemia, diabetes, osteoporosis and other diseases. In particular, unmarried teenagers should keep fit and balanced, and store certain body fat in their bodies. Calculated body mass index (BMI) is the standard, and Chinese adults can only consider losing weight if they are higher than 24. Don't follow the trend to lose weight, let alone reduce it to "Bai Gujing", which will bring the danger of stunting, anemia, amenorrhea, birth difficulties and even infertility.